Currently in Austin — October 3, 2023: Chance of showers

Plus, El Niño continues to accelerate global temperatures.

Chance of showers, slightly lower temps

The weather, currently.

Tuesday takes a tentative first step down a ladder of lowering temperatures, moving slowly but gradually away from the swelter soup of the last several months. Don’t grab your jacket just yet, because Tuesday brings a high near 93 and heat index values as high as 100. Rain chances increase to 30%, with a chance of showers or thunderstorms after 10am. Tuesday night sees a low around 75. After slogging through one more day of heat, we can look forward to a decisive leap later this week that plants our feet firmly into fall.

-Anne Hebert

What you need to know, currently.

New data show that the last week of September was the most anomalously warm week in history. That’s not so surprising given that we’re going into what looks like a very strong El Niño — the tropical Pacific warmth that defines these linked ocean-atmosphere patterns typically starts spreading worldwide during the last four months of the year.

Here’s more, from CarbonBrief:

Global surface temperatures set a new record this week for the highest daily temperature anomalies (departure from the norm) ever observed. They were recorded by a Japanese climate database called the JRA-55 reanalysis product. These were approximately 1C warmer than the 1991-2020 baseline period used by the dataset and around 1.9C warmer than the pre-industrial (1850-1900) temperatures.

As Currently reported last week, these data add to the increasing likelihood that we may already be living in the first 12-month period that’s 1.5°C warmer than pre-industrial levels, and that a few upcoming weeks may top 2°C for the first time ever.

What you can do, currently.

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